this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items
that don't warrant a page by themselves
or seem to fit better here
pending poems index
chronological order is from the bottom to the top of the page
audio files are best listened to with the eyes closed !
the layout is done with the internet explorer text size setting at largest and with a zoom of 125%, and my text rendering is done for these settings though they should be somewhat tolerant
of a zoom setting or two up or down
wei wu wei is really terence
gray , an irish
voynicher ! : o (
wei wu wei is really terence
gray, the well known irish
voynicher ! : o )
crucifixion, what we do to god/infinity, that is the identity of christ with infinity :o ) (
crucifixion, what we do to god/infinity, that is the identity of christ with infinity :o ) (
stone !
john of the cross and dali, their christs were themselves !
notice dali's “modesty cloth” - removed it might show female gentalia, an allusion to the gender blurring that comes with and takes to see one's own living crucifixion : o)
his wife's role is ambiguous but the habillement/vestments paste/put/post her in the ecclesiastic camp : o(
sepehr g. asks
Do you have a recommended diet schedule to follow for 2-3 months? For example, formatted in this kind of way:
8 am: supplement x, food y, etc.
12 am: supplement z, food q, etc.
... etc. (throughout whole day)
I'll try the
BCD and see how it goes for me. After reading some of your stuff, it seems you are well-informed, and I agree the biofilm in the gut constitutes a kind of second organic. It thereby makes us a kind of
dual - organism
I agree diet is very important and cannot be separated from Zen. Zen seems to have a “green” aspect to it we can't ignore. Stuff like environmental damage, sustainability, gardening, diet, and etc. have to all be big topics in Zen, but people like Brad Warner spend more time making up drama about sitting for endless hours.
Lately, I have been trying to read more, but my mind has felt numb, and I have lacked the capacity to do as much as I desire... It seems the only time I can really study well is when I feel pressured by school deadlines for assignments, and this is obviously not healthy. I feel as if my lethargy is due to an poor diet and misinformation. I have started doing more research and feel as if humans were not meant to eat raw vegetables, as you told me, and it seems more beneficial to eat fatty grass-fed beef and other kinds of foods...? Idk much, but I look forward to your response.
andrew's reply
it's a strong autistic trait to only do what you are interested in, school learning is exhausting to the brain and most of the information given utterly useless, so why wouldn't it make you numb?
improving one's diet and supplementing is a big undertaking that is best approached slowly building in changes over a while and letting the results from these changes form a base for making new improvements, it's literally a lifetime process.............
lethargy is likely indicative of low thyroid function, it would pay you to experiment with a bit of topical
iodine tincture, again there's quite abit more to it than meets the eye, everything interrelates with everything else and effects and other effects are endless, not all good : o)(
the huge advantage of the net is you can talk and ask others with experience, i would suggest if you are interested to join the who_knows message
board so you don't have to fly blind : o)
dose dependent
of marijuana on the cardiovascular system
i'd say overall pot was fairly toxic, charles bukowski was of the opinion that pot fucked the brain more than alcohol, i always wondered...............
study says the neuroprotective effect of extremely low doses of marijuana is
hormetic due to the brain building defenses to its toxicity so it follows higher doses are very toxic ! : o(
infant formula
fucked my brain, not pleasant reading on the
metabolic effects later in life
or the 20 to 30% reduction in white matter by age two in formula
fed compared to breast fed infants : o(
Biofilm/microbiome carbohydrate diet
a new name that seems to cover the ground better and still retains the intials BCD
give it 6 months to a year for the copycats to get in on the act yet again, tho the disaster areas of their stupid diets may have inhibited their appetite :o)
sepehr g. asks
Andrew, would you say this is a Dharma ending age? How can one find a genuine teachers in this day and age of pretenders and commercialization? Is one forced to practice in seclusion away from the pervasive corruption? You know, read the Blue Cliff Record, meditate without regard of “proper posture”, and write poetry and/or draw (i.e., frequently engage in any form of artistic expression).
Also, on an unrelated note, what's your opinion on Neurofeedback? It seems like a better form of Silent Illumination or Shikantaza? Supplementing that with Koan practice and daily artistic creations makes far more sense than sitting in a rigid way with “proper posture” in Soto Zen.
my reply
sepehr, I don't know wether you deleted your comment or not, I didn't, but to reply to your query, the central issue with zen and incompetents like “dicko” port or brad warner or the hardcore zen bloggers is they are in some degree of dementia from a poor diet and metabolic syndrome, I don't think anyone can be so willingly stupid, what's the point? so it's just brain failure which when one looks at the way metabolic syndrome and diabetes is increasing, is going to be the norm !
it doesn't matter what you do, unless your brain and body are well nourished and there is adequate
sun etc, it's all a waste of time !
neurofeedback is a waste of time imo, since you mentioned it !
I have spent a substantial portion of the last ten years sorting out my health (which was going way down hill) with the
biofilm/microbiome carbohydrate diet and various supplements and my UVB lamps and the “right sun”, without these I might be dribbling like mike port ! : o(
was this a real
person? I swear I do not understand the people who stamp “like” or whatever in comments, dull hearts I think, not to ask this?
“ bala” replies
Thank you Andrew,
for askingthe pertinant question
Yes the
poet on whom the poem was a real person
Kamala Das 1934-2009 (and later known as Kamala Surayya) was one of the foremost writers of poetry in English in India.Her controversial autobiography “My story” was subject of a Time magazine story.Short listed for Nobel Prize for literature once.
Apart from writing poetry in English, she wrote short stories in Malayalam, language of Kerala in South India, under the pen name “Madhavikkutty” and won great acclaim.
censoring this comment is the opposite of the light turning around btw : o), no wonder you guys are a pack of retards, all wanking talk and your actions are the opposite ! : o)
sepehr g. asks
Andrew, would you say this is a Dharma ending age? How can one find a genuine teachers in this day and age of pretenders and commercialization? Is one forced to practice in seclusion away from the pervasive corruption? You know, read the Blue Cliff Record, meditate without regard of “proper posture”, and write poetry and/or draw (i.e., frequently engage in any form of artistic expression).
Also, on an unrelated note, what's your opinion on Neurofeedback? It seems like a better form of Silent Illumination or Shikantaza? Supplementing that with Koan practice and daily artistic creations makes far more sense than sitting in a rigid way with “proper posture” in Soto Zen.
my reply
sepehr, I don't know wether you deleted your comment or not, I didn't, but to reply to your query, the central issue with zen and incompetents like “dicko” port or brad warner or the hardcore zen bloggers is they are in some degree of dementia from a poor diet and metabolic syndrome, I don't think anyone can be so willingly stupid, what's the point? so it's just brain failure which when one looks at the way metabolic syndrome and diabetes is increasing, is going to be the norm !
it doesn't matter what you do, unless your brain and body are well nourished and there is adequate
sun etc, it's all a waste of time !
neurofeedback is a waste of time imo, since you mentioned it !
I have spent a substantial portion of the last ten years sorting out my health (which was going way down hill) with the
biofilm/microbiome carbohydrate diet and various supplements and my UVB lamps and the “right sun”, without these I might be dribbling like mike port ! : o(
there's something obnoxious about young women, all the power of that fertility
there's something obnoxious about young women, all the power of their fertility and their certainty of the value of what they are
there's something obnoxious about young women, all the power of their fertility
joan baez's diamonds and
rust, it took me a while to understand what she was saying
: o( : o )
i don't know, something unsatisfactory about the approach : o(
it's one of the fundamental insights of life, how wrong we can be and how fatal some of our choices are
it's one of the fundamental insights of life, how wrong we can be and how fatal some of the choices that we make are !
it's one of the fundamental insights of life, how wrong we can be and how fatal the choices we can make are !
it's one of the fundamental insights of life, how wrong we can be and how fatal the choices we make are !
it's one of the very fundamental insights of life, how wrong we can be and how fatal some of the choices we can make are
the weariness of whatever weariness :o( :o) !
the weariness of whatever weariness :o) :o( !
the weariness of whatever weariness ! :o) :o(
the weariness of whatever weariness
just a bit of nothing
swept through
steve coogan/ alan
partridge recorded the 20th of november 1997
“coogan and the girl in question enjoyed a brief fling back in 2005. but she recently revealed the details to a u.s. magazine.
“whenever he arrived off the plane, he was desperate for cocaine. he handed me a bundle of cash and sent me off to buy him some
he'd snort mountains of it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. once he did £500 in an afternoon. it was piled high on the hotel coffee table. he liked me to take it, too. we didn't sleep for days because we were so high. we just had sex and took drugs ” ”
the reason for
dry eyes after corneal sculpting for vision correction is you lose nerves and/or nerve function during the operation !
it's the sensory feedback from the nerves that modulates tear production !
i really do not feel this operation is advised : o ) (
reduced tear production occurs naturally as one gets older, the operation may not cause a dry eye problem when young but at this point i don't think the operation has been around long enough to say that it won't be an issue when the operatee gets older, and certainly being over 40 i think is a much higher risk category for the operation ! : o(
a loss of nerve function or a paucity of nerves in the corneal area might be a root cause for dry eyes, a bit of lamb brain in the diet might encourage nerve growth (australia and new zealand are scrapie free !)
B-12 is a nerve growth promoter too, pays to cut the tablet down and only take occasionally and don’t over do as can make for poorer sleep
feeling sorry for yourself does no good at all, so i don't bother
feeling sorry for yourself
does no good at all, so i don't bother : o ( )
feeling sorry for yourself does no good at all, so i don't bother : o ( )
“ using the squatting position to defecate enables a greater degree of constipation to be coped with, i feel that since homonids evolved in an arid area that we are designed to cope with some degree of constipation and the squatting position opens up this savancy for us ! ”
a damaged “soul” is the “hole” to god !
a damaged “soul” is the “hole” to god !
u. g. krishnamurti's
ten commandments & 108
maxims about money !
the trouble with centers now is they are too flawed !
look at
upaya, nice climate, dry, some sun, looks comfortable, reasonable schedule, what more could you want ?
diarrhea in every mouthful ! at least they don't look heavily into wheat flour like tassajara
but this is the issue, you stay at these places and get ill, they are just not fine tuned enough to keep one healthy !
too many people passing through too, retreats, courses, back when i was going around centers in 1990 i had them at their best!
people still knew something about food and cooking and didn't think that raw salads and veges were the
last word in health ! : o(
less disease prevalance then too, west nile, lymes.....................
brad warner, you don't seem to read what i say, but you have a huge problem and nothing will work even slightly for you until you address it.
you have taken the zen line about only the real being important which is a big mistake , the real is always screwed without guidance and life in the unreal and your unreal being composed of bad science fiction and kitsch monster and ultraman culture cripples you!
look at this quote by philip k dick, he is saying something similar about unreality :o)
“ I want to write about people I love, and put them into a fictional world spun out of my own mind, not the world we actually have, because the world we actually have does not meet my standards. Okay, so I should revise my standards; I'm out of step. I should yield to reality. I have never yielded to reality ”
you also don't seem to get that translations are not what was written orginally, one can read this quote by philip k dick and understand it, maybe johannes scotus
eriugena and pseudo-dionysius (damascius?) were not saying anything different, except garbeled into voynich by translators they have the ineffable mystery of not being understandable forever because of the mixture of garbage and truth they contain !
you new book is NOT YOUR BEST because it reflects the unreal in a kitsch way that you masquerade as a discussion about god, if it is your best then look to other avenues !
your lack of replies on my blog are conspicious by their absence, you have blanked me off in the usual zen way writing me off as unreal, fantastic and actually too close to the bone :o)
what is zen about that you cannot cope with close to the bone ? :o( )
i'd recommend you
both read the new zealand author janet frame who had similar issues and interestingly tho with some schizophrenic symptoms was really on what is called
autistic spectrum which is actually ultra rational
“owls do cry” is very poignant
something as simple as a quality fish oil can be very useful for improving brain function !
vaccines, just like the illnesses they prevent are not without cost, as well as exciting an immune response, they excite an auto-immune response as well and modern trends like keeping children out of the sun and not getting its immune response dampening effect as well as dietary and other factors mean that there is a significant auto-immune injury potential, which needs a heap more research and the development of practical tests to assess how a child responds to a vaccine !
people do not realize how poorly funded the area of vaccine research is, if it had 1% of what goes into heart and cardiovascular disease, it would be lucky, but all the money goes into medical services for the old and the young take pot luck with a severely underfunded area that is compensated by a lemming like attitude uptake by adults into the polarized attitudes of ignorance !
ed. reply
to, but not passed !
hmm.......... adam tebbe took down his
crying video
olives are picked may to june (ed. australia), got some very fresh 2013 cobram estate extra
virgin “light flavor/intensity” from coles (1st june !)
man it's got a sting to the back of the throat
that is due to the oil having a high
level of oleocanthal which is supposedly an indicator of a high quality oil !
you've still got that
fork in your back ! : o ) (
you are not an idiot, but where you go wrong is you don't go far and consistently enough, or really any degree at all into “what is not you” and also you don't go to the right level of gruelling detail to sort something out, that daily requirement for going into crucifixion and beyond : o ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).................
and not to human eyes and ears possible
which is why summative understanding is so rare !
you've still got that
fork in your back ! : o ) (
you are not an idiot, but where you go wrong is you don't go far and consistently enough, or really any degree at all into “what is not you” and also you don't go to the right level of gruelling detail to sort something out, that daily requirement for going into crucifixion and beyond : o ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).................
and not to human eyes and ears possible
which is why summative understanding is so rare !
that's a
prescription for a suicidal,
wouldn't wish that any anyone !
savancies !
miz peters replied
I am confused by your comment structure. Apparently it is the same as your poem structure: juvenile, without creativity or talent. Savancies: is that a word? Success, in some of its greatest cases, comes from failure. If that is a concept you do not understand, please do not muddle the matter with gibberish. Thanks.
my reply
i don't think you are confused at all and understood what i was saying all too well : o)
is the bottle half full or half empty?
are defeated
start !
( ) ( )
her reply (she banned me !)
Please stop commenting on my poems with your fragmented nonsense. Thanks.
my comment
she's quite autistic and has rejected “fragmentation” for some “normal” writing lunacy, maybe that's why she responded so strongly
yeah, touched a nerve alright
well, some energy in her replies, so different from the usual net cretinism
all she was doing was listing her own weaknesses as a writer
eileen's comment
well she's showing very obvious limits to thinking which isn't obvious at a glance
her clever word use makes her look more than what she is
she's not differant at all
just as nasty and narrow
don't mistake energy for a positive when it's vindictive
that's a
prescription for a suicidal, wouldn't wish that any anyone !
savancies !
journalists are like prostitutes claiming to be virgins : o) : o( !
journalists are like prostitutes claiming to be virgins : o) : o( !
journalists are like prostitutes claiming to be virgins
the art market is unbelievable !
i wouldn't give 30 cents for
that !
all name, kitsch and no brain : o) !
the art market is unbelievable !
i wouldn't give 30 cents for
that !
all name, kitsch and no brain : o) !
in a world of overriding complexity what is a simple theme that explains everything?
i think the velvet underground must have been quite autistic and they were briefly co-managed by andy warhol from early 1966 to mid 1977 !
the video may seem to have no relation to autism, but if you lookcarefully, especially at the end you will see it is an autistic paradigm !
wow, lou
reed had electroconvulsive therapy as a teenager so as to “cure” his bisexuality !
unbelievable, no wonder he was an almost great wrecked to wander through life : o(
interestingly his
song “walk on the wild side
” was a sequential run through of five people associated with andy warhol's “factory”
during the mid-to-late 1960s
interview, his mental and verbal dexterity outfoxes those journalist crumbs ! :o)
autism also subsumes brad warner, notice the
monotone , the synchronicity of the rubbish he spouts with the rubbish heap back drop and what he calls mediation is in fact autistic decompression, the problem with meditation in a zen or neo-advaita or similar context is they don't really decompress, but rather create a new compression of some groove or rut they dig themselves deeper into through lack of attention and
way not looking around broadly enough which means a lack of selective quality reading over the ages
so they just end up spouting infantilities like treating the bad fairy tale of buddha as historically real or in the case of neo advaita, elevating minor mediocrities like nisargadatta and ramana into folk heroes ! : o)
don't pick scabs, they have a
purpose !
“ in addition to preventing further bleeding, scabs protect against infection and the undersides attract the new cells needed for healing by tiny fibers are arranged in the same direction like velvet or a cat's fur
benign bacteria can change brain function away from constant
anxiety, trauma and depression !
brad warner asks
what is god ?
meaningless babble
brad warner asks
what is god ?
meaningless babble
potential : o)
brad warner asks
what is god ?
story, hidden personal identity, the promulgation of endless crap, no shame ....................
what i notice is that crap like that needs a boundary to survive, so they/he deleted my comment the next day, any sort of realism and it evaporates......................
acharya nagarjuna : the tree of
wisdom, translated by major w. l. campbell
baker , the interviewer never understood the point that ginger was making to him !
i wonder if gudo nishijima had a degree of familial
dysautonomia which gave rise to his obsession with the automonic nervous system !
typical zen and religion, crafting a layer of interfering bullshit over real health conditions !
since people with familial dysautonomia produce below normal levels of monoamine oxidase (MAO), an enzyme that breaks down biogenic amines, i suspect the normal japanese diet which can contain a lot of tyramine and other biogenic amines would have given him trouble !
“the ground of being” is
autism !
not such a popular way of looking at it huH!?
life's an odd animal : o ( )
life's an odd animal : o ) (
updated HRT
recommendations of the 2013 “british menopause society & women’s health concern”
“ randomised controlled data from the danish osteoporosis trial have shown that hormone therapy
reduces the incidence of coronary heart disease by around 50% if commenced within 10 years of the
menopause – this is referred to as the ‘window of opportunity’ for primary prevention ”
they seem to be taking on board that the cancer risk of HRT relates to beginning it too late in life, like really about 56 is the last opportunity to
begin !
( ed. there's a bug in ie10 so you won't be taken direct to the “begin” link, scroll down the index you are taken to and click on “hormone replacement therapy” ---- chrome works ok !)
one of jacques derrida's